Discover what lies ahead with Palmistry and Vedic Astrology

About the Palmist

Catherine Maha

Catherine is a new age palm reader, face reader, psychic, and Vedic astrologer with rich experience.
Her neoteric approach of fortune-telling is a mix of western palmistry, face reading, with Vedic astrology, and psychic powers.
Her psychic abilities and Vedic astrology skills can be traced back to her grandfathers. They were eminent palm readers and astrologers. She discovered her gift of decrypting the fortune whilst she was in her early teens. She dedicated herself to utilising the rare but adequate resources about fortune telling amassed by her grandfathers.

Eventually, she developed her style of kismet reading. She uses all her gifts to decipher the fate plan encrypted in the palm lines. And that is the reason she effortlessly reads unique palm lines.
Being an empath, she loves to assist her clients with pragmatic remedies, visualisation, and manifestation to overcome hurdles and achieve their goals. Her remedies include tiny lifestyle changes that are easy to follow in daily routine.
Today, her clientele consists of both national and international patrons. They vouch for her empirical remedies and the workable manifestations.










In-depth Read


Every hand is unique and tells a different story.
It narrates everything about you, your journey, the past, present and the future. It reflects your weakness, strength, talent health wealth your ups and downs faced, major events that occurred, number of relationships you have or had, and the challenges you face.
Getting a palm read done……
Helps you to understand where you stand in life and make the right decisions. Know the challenges you’re about to face, recheck your decisions, turn your weakness in to strength and develop the traits to make a better you. The palm is the map of your life, it certainly shows you the direction to achieve a healthy and wealthy life with certain changes in your day-to-day life
One form of psychology is Palmistry
Readings your palm is like reading your mind. It reflects the thoughts, feelings, fears, strength, talent, positive traits, and negative traits about you. When we start understanding someone it is easy to read their mind their thought process. We can connect with them. Able to convey the right message and guide them on the right path. If you decide to choose a partner for life, it helps you to understand her/him easily and sooner. Otherwise, it takes years to understand a person. Palmistry helps you to make the right choices
Palmistry is a part of science
Palmistry is an important part of science which tells us about the future very genuinely. Of course, there are various branches of Astrology which predicts the future of an individual, but palm reading gives a very precise and accurate results. In other branches of Astrology, the moment of birth is very important, and most of us don’t remember the actual time or place of birth, but in palmistry, it is the lines and mounts on one’s hand that holds the key to his future.
Language of your palm
Here you don’t have to belong to certain religion or caste or creed, a palm language a universal language, once you are familiar with the language then you can read anybody from any part of the world. Your palm indicates your journey of your life, the fate is not certain, the fate depends on the choices you make in your life. The palm is a kind of a report card that tells how good you’re performing and what will be the outcome of it. Knowing this language will help you make the right decisions by showing you the right directions and making the right choices for a bright future.
Wanna be a Palmist? I can teach you Contact Me

Vedic Astrology

Map of stars, decoded

Vedic astrology, also known as the sidereal astrology, is one of the most ancient and widely practiced branches of astrology. The Indian term for Vedic astrology is Jyotish which translates into the science of light.

It works on the principle that the 9 planets, 12 constellations, and 12 zodiac signs have definitive nature and roles. The aforementioned celestial bodies have an undeniable influence on earth and earthlings. They exercise their energy according to their nature and natural roles in the natal chart.

The roots-

Vedic astrology first finds its mention in Rig Veda. Rig Veda is the oldest Veda. Some experts estimate that Indian astrology is nearly 10,000 years old.

Since its inception till today, across the Indian subcontinent, Vedic Jyotish is revered as a Spiritual science. It is deeply incorporated in daily life as panchang and festivals.

The marrow of astrology-

Vedic astrology strictly believes in karma. It says that the planets align with our previous life karma to form the natal chart of this life. Although our destiny is chalked out during our birth, we still have free will. It can be explained a,s the life events are predestined but our responses are voluntary.

The complex language of planets, constellations, and zodiac signs can be interpreted only by an ace Vedic astrologer.

Vedic astrologers are paramount

Unlike the western psychics and clairvoyants, Vedic astrologers do not rely only on intuition. Vedic astrology demands extensive study of years to even understand the natal chart.

Vedic astrology is a spiritual science. So, spirituality, intuition, study, and understanding of the ancient scriptures decides the calibre of a competent Vedic astrologer.

A genuine Vedic astrologer is born with certain combinations in his/her natal chart. These combinations indicate a lineage of learned astrologers or past life penance.

That is the reason, only an authentic and dedicated astrologer can guide a native on the right path according to the Vedic astrology.


Vaastu Vidya or Shastra is the traditional Indian science of architecture and interior design. It believes that synergizing with the elements of nature brings positive impacts in all the spheres of human life.

The origin

Vastu is a Sanskrit word which comes from vaas which means to dwell. Vastu literally means home or residence (on a plot). Shastra means science and Vidya is another word for knowledge.

The Principle

Vastu believes that the entire universe is built with 5 elements or panch bhoot viz

Every construction is made up of the 5 elements. And it has an energy field or Prana which can be negative or positive. A positive Prana gives prosperity and happiness. A negative flow of Prana can ruin the lives of the residents.

The science of vastu also believes that there are 10 disha or directions. The above-mentioned 5 elements have major influence on certain directions. Aligning the architecture and interior of a building with the 5 elements can bring harmony for the residents.

How does it work?

Vastu includes every piece of furniture and every inch of land. Vastu works even for multi storey constructions. Right from the shape of the plot to the main door, every little thing has a prominent role in vaastu.

But that doesn’t mean you have to raze down your structure if you feel it is not synchronising with the 5 elements. It is a misconception that vastu is more expensive than other schools of architecture and interior design. People often feel that they have to build their abode from scratch to get the benefits of Vaastu.

In fact, a skilled vastu expert can offer you pragmatic yet economical solutions for your vaastu dosh or problem.

Vaastu consultant

A seasoned vastu consultant must know how to read horoscopes. The elements of the construction must concur with the natal chart of the owner.

Then by offering simple yet effective remedies, the consultant guides you towards a more fulfilling life


V Shetty

It was really shocking for me to know that many things of past, present & future can be predicted just by looking at the palm. You didn’t only gave the predictions on my future but also gave me the best remedies. You were very calm and listened to all my doubts and also guided me the proper direction. I really thank you for your guidance and suggestions.


Her assessment went pretty accurate in my experience of this consultation. I have tried such assessments before but never could connect this deep with my self and credit goes to the person who did a complete 360 about me. I really appreciate the logical reasoning provided along with the examples to understand the state of mind to the best of clarity and of course the medium of hope along with boosting positivity in you is the essence of western palmistry.


Professional at the same time very friendly service. I was amazed by the precession and accuracy of predictions. It gave me a chance to introspect into my own life. I would highly recommend Catherine. Cheers!!!


I am short of words to express of what an excellent session I had with Catherine. She made sure in the beginning of the session that I am comfortable and slowly progress with unfolding your past, present and future. She not only tells you what the future holds for you but give you a lot of logical explanation and solution on how to tackle issues.